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 Imagenes de ecografias 2D, 3D, 4D Doppler Color, Tomografia Ecografica TUI
 Dr. Rafael Ortega Muñoz Ciudad Real Spain
 Ecografia de Embarazada
 Induction of ovulation first control in polycystic ovaries
 2D HD ultrasound performed in the Ultrasound Unit of the Dr. Rafael Ortega Muñoz Gynecology Clinic in which the first control of ovulation in 2D polycystic ovaries is shown.  ....... Management Gynecological Clinic Dr. Rafael Ortega Muñoz Gynecologist Ciudad Real Dr. Rafael Ortega Muñoz web web http://www.ecografiaciudadreal.c


 Prenatal diagnosis 12 weeks cardiac echogenic foci Gynecologist Dr. Rafael Ortega Muñoz Ciudad Real


 Diagnostico prenatal 12 semanas foco cardiaco hiperecogénico Dr. Rafael Ortega Muñoz Ginecologo Ciudad Real


 Ecografia 3D embarazo de 12 semanas columna 3D modo oseo Dr. Rafael Ortega Muñoz Ginecologo Ciudad Real

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