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  Contacto : 926 232521

 Imagenes de ecografias 2D, 3D, 4D Doppler Color, Tomografia Ecografica TUI
 Dr. Rafael Ortega Muñoz Ciudad Real Spain
 Ecografia Ginecologica
 Endocervical injury by papillomavirus 31 and 51 Rafael Ortega Muñoz MD Ciudad Real
 2D HD ultrasound performed in the Ultrasound Unit of the Gynecological Clinic of Dr. Rafael Ortega Muñoz in which the endocervical lesion produced to the papilovirus 31 and 51 in 2D HD is shown. MY GEAR Gynecological Clinic Dr. Rafael Ortega Muñoz Gynecologist Ciudad Real On google maps


 Iniencefalia Diagnostico Prenatal 12 semanas Dr.Rafael Ortega Muñoz Ciudad Real


 Ecografia 4D embarazo de 17 semanas Dr. Rafael Ortega Muñoz Ciudad Real


 Amenaza de aborto hematoma infección de orina 6 semanas

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